Got the update for Antrim Escape 2 a couple hours ago. Crazy updates! New comics, maps and whole bunch of new puzzles to a secret exit. This is so exciting! I'm still very stuck but working hard. Here are my findings. Let me know yours and we can beat the game together before St. Patrick's Day!
Golden A -> Light the new greenish-blue liquor bottle in the living room. You will see an A on the wall. The liquor bottle has the pattern of the buttons on the green door in balcony. Try to make an A out of the buttons on the door. And you'll get the A after some animation. If you can't get the A, do the buttons as following:
Golden 4 -> Get a mouse cookie (new item!) from the cabinet in living room. Put out fire in fireplace with water bucket. Then place the cookie there. Leave fireplace for owl to munch on mouse cookie. Pour liquor on wood and set the owl on fire with matches! This one cracked me up.
Golden 7 -> Probably the easiest one. Just need to pour water into the pot with dead flower. Which then you can grab some mud with Trowel from the wet mud. Not sure what to do with the mud yet though.
Golden 10 -> Another easy one. It's on the door where you escape the room for the original ending. (Make sure you get out once! new ending and comics!)
Golden K -> In conservatory where you can see the fountain and two flower pots. On the right, you can see the Golden K. Don't know how to unlock it though.
Other new things:
- The metal tube beside the green balcony door. You can put the metal ball in it but it just drops down. Maybe you need to somehow connect it to the horizontal tube.
- There's a bottle of salt by the liquor bottles
- You can now turn the 3 Egyptian discs in conservatory. First you need to get the golden plate in living room beneath the liquor bottles. After inserting it into the slot under the Egyptian discs you can turn them. The button changes color when you turn the discs but I am not sure how to decipher it yet.
- There's a blue paper in the closet beside fireplace. It shows something about the zig-zag door but I don't know how to use it yet.
That's all I know so far. Will keep updating throughout this weekend!
Friday, March 11, 2011
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Antrim Escape 2: Team Tactics - Complete Walkthrough
Finally I beat it!! The sequel to Antrim Escape is amazing. I just finished writing up the walkthrough. Here it is guys.
The walkthrough is sorted into chapters and within each chapter are individual puzzles. I will refer to the conservatory walls using North/East/South/West as illustrated in the pictures below:
Candy Box Puzzle:
Locate a trowel laying on the floor in the East wall behind the flower pots. Now click on those pots and then use the trowel in inventory to dig on the mud. You will see a candy box.
After retrieving the candy box, double tap on it in inventory to open the detail view. This is where it gets tricky: use the trowel on the candy box by first single tapping to highlight trowel and then tap on the detail view of candy box. Tricky because I didn’t think they will reuse the trowel again on the same object!! Finally, after candy box is opened, shake your iPhone to get the candies inside.
Small Candy Fountain:
Go to the North wall and tap on the small candy fountain. Now in the bigger view of it, place the 4 candies on the fountain: each candy has a shape where you’ll need to match it on each platform of the fountain. If you done it correctly, a box of matches falls out.
Now a red button will appear. Press it to play the tune. This can be hard for people that don't know music at all. So here are the notes: 4 7 4 7 4 3 5 7 (these notes are NOT randomized). For example, the first note is a 4, so you tap the water tube with water level 4; 2nd note is a 5 so tap the water tube with water level 5; and so on…
Playing it correctly will give you another Egyptian plate.
Now go bring up the flower pot view in East wall. In the flower pot with yellow flowers and green grass, there is a empty dug hole on lower right corner in mine. I am not sure if this is randomized but that dug hole should be a flower because there are 3 flowers and 5 grasses, so it makes sense in a TicTacToe game that there are 4flowers and 5grasses.
Finally, enter the vent scene BEHIND the water fountain and enter the sequence in accordance to the flower/grass button to retrieve the final Egyptian plate.
Egyptian Circles & Interlocking Key:
At the point you should have 3 Egyptian plates. Place them in the slots on the left side counter in the East wall. A yellow key will drop out. This is the interlocking door key. Inserting the key into either slot will open the interlocking door. Chapter 1 ends…
Item Pickup:
- soap located in left side balcony
- blue paper under the chair in left side balcony
- labyrinth game on table in right side balcony
- axe handle on wall in right side balcony
This chapters begins with you playing as Ryan in the balcony. But note that you can switch back to Emma in the conservatory. This is important because this is where the game gets interesting!! We need to pass items back and forth underneath the metal door. Also, I think this is the balcony where Ryan climbed down at the end of Antrim Escape 1. Very cool to pick up the story from here!! Good job GameHive.
Magnifying Glass Passing Puzzle:
Switch back to Emma and pick up the magnifying glass in the center top of the red metal door. Now tap beneath the door where there’s a white light and place the magnifying glass there. Switch to Ryan and tap his metal door (blue in color) to pick up the magnifying glass.
Now in the right balcony wall you will see some very tiny symbols if you zoom in. Use the magnifying glass to bring up the view.
Balcony Blue Metal Door Puzzle:
You probably know that on the balcony metal door there are squares that you can press and depress. And this will take effect on the red metal door on Emma’s side. A puzzle is lurking around!! So we got the hint earlier that Red Door with 28 gives you a ball. Here’s the method:
You will have to make a “28” on the red door in the conservatory. But you will have to enter the 28 as a mirrored 28 on Ryan’s blue metal door. Like so:
Item Pickup:
- tongs on carpet in North wall
- orange liquor bottle with explosive sign in East wall
Firewood Chopping with Axe:
Emma in conservatory has the axe head and Ryan in living room has the axe handle. Yup!! Ryan has to pass the axe handle to Emma through the half opened interlocking door. Once Emma has both the axe head and stick, combine them by opening the axe head in detail view and then choose the stick and tap on the axe head.
Use the axe to chop the big heavy logs in South wall. Emma will retrieve some firewood.
Molding Candy Key Puzzle:
This is the coolest puzzle ever!!
First, have Ryan pass to Emma the soap that he's picked up in the balcony. Emma is going to make a mold of the interlocking key in the soap. To do this, pull out the key in the interlocking door, which results in shutting the door completely. Then with the soap in detail view, apply the interlocking key to it.
Now tap on the key in the soap to pick it up again. There you go!! Now use the key again to half open the interlocking door and pass back the soap to Ryan
Meanwhile in the living room, have Ryan place the candy box (with candies inside) into the fireplace. The fireplace will melt the candy. Now use the tongs to pickup the hot, hot candy box.
Now with the soap in detail view, pour the liquor candy into soap (apply candy box to soap). This will create the candy key. SWEET!! Pun intended.
Pass this candy key back to Emma so she can fully open the interlocking door.
Finally they reunite!! Chapter 3 ends…
Red Gem:
Apply matches to the red liquor bottle to ignite it. Retrieve the red gem.
Curtain and Ring:
In South wall again, open and close the curtain about 10 times to drop the ring. Tap underneath the piano bring up the view. Pickup the ring
The heart shadow is probably different for everyone; hence, pointing to a different color. Make note of your own color.
Carpet Chopping with Axe:
After picking up the tongs on the carpet, tap the carpet (left corner in North wall) to bring up the carpet view. Tap the top left corner again to flip the carpet over. You can see a small crack. Use the apply to chop it open and take note of those numbers on the 3 green circles.
Blue Red Lock Puzzle:
This is another crazy amazing puzzle that this game deserves 5 stars.
Double tap to open up the blue paper detail view. It's blank. However, there are some burn on the corner. This hints at using matches to heat it to reveal some hidden msg.
On East wall in living room, there are 3 pictures with red symbols on them.
Goto the bigger view of the blue red lock in the living room North wall. It says "What's left is unnecessary". This hint is freaking awesome yo. Remember the 4 symbols on the blue paper and 3 red symbols in the pictures? Now cover the left side of those symbols vertically, and they resemble numbers. Inside you will get a green snake statue.
Snake Statues Puzzle:
In the yellowish brown stand to the left of the fireplace, tap on it to enter the close up view. Drag the 3 circles to match the symbols you noted earlier from the piano book.
In the green stand to the right of the fireplace, drag the 3 circles to make the numbers you found earlier in the crack underneath the carpet.
Now place the snakes on the statues: brown snake on brown statue and green snake on green statue. And tap the stand to have the two snakes face each other.
Owl & Ancient Tablet Puzzle:
Notice the owl followed Emma into the living room. Don't you wanna do something to it?? It kept on HOOT HOOTing in conservatory and we couldn't do anything. Now we can. Use the metal ball and throw at it!! That's right.
Note that it will land on top of the fireplace. The trick here is to have the owl land on the ancient tablet that has footprints on them. So place the tablet on top of the fireplace first. Then throw the ball at the owl until it lands on the tablet.
This will trigger the wooden box in the centre of North wall to open up.
Falling Stairs Game:
Place the labyrinth game into the hole in North wall. Make sure both snakes are facing each other to transform the labyrinth game into the falling stair game. Put the metal ball into the stair game to start playing. Beat the game!! And get the key to escape~!!!!
The walkthrough is sorted into chapters and within each chapter are individual puzzles. I will refer to the conservatory walls using North/East/South/West as illustrated in the pictures below:
Chapter 1
Item Pickup:
- water bucket behind plants in North wall
- green gem behind water bucket in North wall
- ancient tablet behind water fountain in close up fountain view
- trowel behind flower pots in East wall
- axe head hidden among vegetation in North wall
- brown snake inside vegetation of South wall corner
Tilting Vent with Numbers:
Locate the left vent on the West wall and enter the tilt-able vent view. You will notice there are glowing lines that are colored white, blue, green and yellow. Tilt your iPhone around trying to form a number with each color. Ignore the white lines. Now enter these 3 numbers in the vents with blue/green/yellow buttons behind the fountain to open that vent and retrieve an Egyptian plate.
Item Pickup:
- water bucket behind plants in North wall
- green gem behind water bucket in North wall
- ancient tablet behind water fountain in close up fountain view
- trowel behind flower pots in East wall
- axe head hidden among vegetation in North wall
- brown snake inside vegetation of South wall corner
Tilting Vent with Numbers:
Locate the left vent on the West wall and enter the tilt-able vent view. You will notice there are glowing lines that are colored white, blue, green and yellow. Tilt your iPhone around trying to form a number with each color. Ignore the white lines. Now enter these 3 numbers in the vents with blue/green/yellow buttons behind the fountain to open that vent and retrieve an Egyptian plate.
Candy Box Puzzle:
Locate a trowel laying on the floor in the East wall behind the flower pots. Now click on those pots and then use the trowel in inventory to dig on the mud. You will see a candy box.
After retrieving the candy box, double tap on it in inventory to open the detail view. This is where it gets tricky: use the trowel on the candy box by first single tapping to highlight trowel and then tap on the detail view of candy box. Tricky because I didn’t think they will reuse the trowel again on the same object!! Finally, after candy box is opened, shake your iPhone to get the candies inside.
Small Candy Fountain:
Go to the North wall and tap on the small candy fountain. Now in the bigger view of it, place the 4 candies on the fountain: each candy has a shape where you’ll need to match it on each platform of the fountain. If you done it correctly, a box of matches falls out.
Two more things to do here for this puzzle!! Tricky eh?!! First, make note of the candy color on each platform on the small fountain. Top and middle platform should have just 1 candy each, but the base platform has 2 candies. You need to know some basic color mixing here (Google is your friend). Combine the two colors to get the result color. For instance, yellow + blue = green; red + blue = purple; and yellow + red = orange. Take note of the 3 colors because they will be used in the next puzzle.
Water Fountain Puzzle:
Enter the water fountain view in West wall. You will notice there is a color circle on each platform of the fountain. You've guessed it: the candy colors we took note of earlier. If you enter it correctly, water will flow. Fill the bucket with water.
Music Tube Puzzle:
Enter the music tube view in North wall. You will notice there's a small wooden piece in the centre tube. You cannot pick it up but just fill it with water using the water bucket to make it float to the top.
Pick up the wooden up and open it's detail view. There should be 5 numbers. This is the water level you each fill each tube. For example, if the numbers are 4 3 6 5 7 then fill the water tube from left to right like so:
Water Fountain Puzzle:
Enter the water fountain view in West wall. You will notice there is a color circle on each platform of the fountain. You've guessed it: the candy colors we took note of earlier. If you enter it correctly, water will flow. Fill the bucket with water.
Music Tube Puzzle:
Enter the music tube view in North wall. You will notice there's a small wooden piece in the centre tube. You cannot pick it up but just fill it with water using the water bucket to make it float to the top.
Pick up the wooden up and open it's detail view. There should be 5 numbers. This is the water level you each fill each tube. For example, if the numbers are 4 3 6 5 7 then fill the water tube from left to right like so:
Now a red button will appear. Press it to play the tune. This can be hard for people that don't know music at all. So here are the notes: 4 7 4 7 4 3 5 7 (these notes are NOT randomized). For example, the first note is a 4, so you tap the water tube with water level 4; 2nd note is a 5 so tap the water tube with water level 5; and so on…
Playing it correctly will give you another Egyptian plate.
TicTacToe Puzzle:
Okay this puzzle is the hardest and cleverest of them all in the conservatory!! OMG it took me so long to get it.
First you have to locate the TicTacToe markings behind the water fountain. To do that, enter the fountain view. Now tilt your iPhone to the left to reveal some tiny markings. Tap on it to bring up the TicTacToe markings view. Record it.
Okay this puzzle is the hardest and cleverest of them all in the conservatory!! OMG it took me so long to get it.
First you have to locate the TicTacToe markings behind the water fountain. To do that, enter the fountain view. Now tilt your iPhone to the left to reveal some tiny markings. Tap on it to bring up the TicTacToe markings view. Record it.
Now go bring up the flower pot view in East wall. In the flower pot with yellow flowers and green grass, there is a empty dug hole on lower right corner in mine. I am not sure if this is randomized but that dug hole should be a flower because there are 3 flowers and 5 grasses, so it makes sense in a TicTacToe game that there are 4flowers and 5grasses.
Anyways, you will need to decipher the TicTacToe-FlowerPlant sequence. Each markings you recorded earlier represents a square in the TicTacToe game.
Finally, enter the vent scene BEHIND the water fountain and enter the sequence in accordance to the flower/grass button to retrieve the final Egyptian plate.
Egyptian Circles & Interlocking Key:
At the point you should have 3 Egyptian plates. Place them in the slots on the left side counter in the East wall. A yellow key will drop out. This is the interlocking door key. Inserting the key into either slot will open the interlocking door. Chapter 1 ends…
Chapter 2
Item Pickup:
- soap located in left side balcony
- blue paper under the chair in left side balcony
- labyrinth game on table in right side balcony
- axe handle on wall in right side balcony
This chapters begins with you playing as Ryan in the balcony. But note that you can switch back to Emma in the conservatory. This is important because this is where the game gets interesting!! We need to pass items back and forth underneath the metal door. Also, I think this is the balcony where Ryan climbed down at the end of Antrim Escape 1. Very cool to pick up the story from here!! Good job GameHive.
Magnifying Glass Passing Puzzle:
Switch back to Emma and pick up the magnifying glass in the center top of the red metal door. Now tap beneath the door where there’s a white light and place the magnifying glass there. Switch to Ryan and tap his metal door (blue in color) to pick up the magnifying glass.
Now in the right balcony wall you will see some very tiny symbols if you zoom in. Use the magnifying glass to bring up the view.
Balcony Blue Metal Door Puzzle:
You probably know that on the balcony metal door there are squares that you can press and depress. And this will take effect on the red metal door on Emma’s side. A puzzle is lurking around!! So we got the hint earlier that Red Door with 28 gives you a ball. Here’s the method:
You will have to make a “28” on the red door in the conservatory. But you will have to enter the 28 as a mirrored 28 on Ryan’s blue metal door. Like so:
A metal ball drops out on Emma’s side. Pass it to Ryan and have him place it in the labyrinth game.
Labyrinth Game:
Pretty straight forward here. Beat the game and get a key. Use the key to open the glass door on the right balcony side to enter the living room. Chapter 2 ends...
Labyrinth Game:
Pretty straight forward here. Beat the game and get a key. Use the key to open the glass door on the right balcony side to enter the living room. Chapter 2 ends...
Chapter 3
This is awesome because I didn't expect to have another room!! 3 rooms so far. At this point I feel the 1.99 I paid for this game is totally worth it.
Item Pickup:
- tongs on carpet in North wall
- orange liquor bottle with explosive sign in East wall
Firewood Chopping with Axe:
Emma in conservatory has the axe head and Ryan in living room has the axe handle. Yup!! Ryan has to pass the axe handle to Emma through the half opened interlocking door. Once Emma has both the axe head and stick, combine them by opening the axe head in detail view and then choose the stick and tap on the axe head.
Use the axe to chop the big heavy logs in South wall. Emma will retrieve some firewood.
Fireplace Puzzle:
Have Emma pass the following items to Ryan: firewood, matches, candy box.
Use Ryan to light up the fireplace by first placing firewood, pouring the orange liquor in it and lighting up the firewood with matches.
Have Emma pass the following items to Ryan: firewood, matches, candy box.
Use Ryan to light up the fireplace by first placing firewood, pouring the orange liquor in it and lighting up the firewood with matches.
Molding Candy Key Puzzle:
This is the coolest puzzle ever!!
First, have Ryan pass to Emma the soap that he's picked up in the balcony. Emma is going to make a mold of the interlocking key in the soap. To do this, pull out the key in the interlocking door, which results in shutting the door completely. Then with the soap in detail view, apply the interlocking key to it.
Now tap on the key in the soap to pick it up again. There you go!! Now use the key again to half open the interlocking door and pass back the soap to Ryan
Meanwhile in the living room, have Ryan place the candy box (with candies inside) into the fireplace. The fireplace will melt the candy. Now use the tongs to pickup the hot, hot candy box.
Now with the soap in detail view, pour the liquor candy into soap (apply candy box to soap). This will create the candy key. SWEET!! Pun intended.
Pass this candy key back to Emma so she can fully open the interlocking door.
Finally they reunite!! Chapter 3 ends…
Chapter 4
Red Gem:
Apply matches to the red liquor bottle to ignite it. Retrieve the red gem.
Stitched Chair:
In South wall, zoom into the red chair, tap about 5 times to break the stitches and retrieve a piece of paper that has many color dots on it.
In South wall, zoom into the red chair, tap about 5 times to break the stitches and retrieve a piece of paper that has many color dots on it.
Curtain and Ring:
In South wall again, open and close the curtain about 10 times to drop the ring. Tap underneath the piano bring up the view. Pickup the ring
Book Heart Puzzle:
First tap on the book on top of the piano to enter the bigger view. Place the piece of paper from stitched chair onto left side of the book. Place the ring in the centre. Voila!! The light will cast a shadow through the ring creating a heart shape. I love this puzzle too.
The tip of the heart will point to a color line. Mine points to the purple line. Take note of those symbols with a purple dot beside it.
First tap on the book on top of the piano to enter the bigger view. Place the piece of paper from stitched chair onto left side of the book. Place the ring in the centre. Voila!! The light will cast a shadow through the ring creating a heart shape. I love this puzzle too.
The tip of the heart will point to a color line. Mine points to the purple line. Take note of those symbols with a purple dot beside it.
The heart shadow is probably different for everyone; hence, pointing to a different color. Make note of your own color.
Carpet Chopping with Axe:
After picking up the tongs on the carpet, tap the carpet (left corner in North wall) to bring up the carpet view. Tap the top left corner again to flip the carpet over. You can see a small crack. Use the apply to chop it open and take note of those numbers on the 3 green circles.
Blue Red Lock Puzzle:
This is another crazy amazing puzzle that this game deserves 5 stars.
Double tap to open up the blue paper detail view. It's blank. However, there are some burn on the corner. This hints at using matches to heat it to reveal some hidden msg.
On East wall in living room, there are 3 pictures with red symbols on them.
Goto the bigger view of the blue red lock in the living room North wall. It says "What's left is unnecessary". This hint is freaking awesome yo. Remember the 4 symbols on the blue paper and 3 red symbols in the pictures? Now cover the left side of those symbols vertically, and they resemble numbers. Inside you will get a green snake statue.
Snake Statues Puzzle:
In the yellowish brown stand to the left of the fireplace, tap on it to enter the close up view. Drag the 3 circles to match the symbols you noted earlier from the piano book.
In the green stand to the right of the fireplace, drag the 3 circles to make the numbers you found earlier in the crack underneath the carpet.
Now place the snakes on the statues: brown snake on brown statue and green snake on green statue. And tap the stand to have the two snakes face each other.
Owl & Ancient Tablet Puzzle:
Notice the owl followed Emma into the living room. Don't you wanna do something to it?? It kept on HOOT HOOTing in conservatory and we couldn't do anything. Now we can. Use the metal ball and throw at it!! That's right.
Note that it will land on top of the fireplace. The trick here is to have the owl land on the ancient tablet that has footprints on them. So place the tablet on top of the fireplace first. Then throw the ball at the owl until it lands on the tablet.
This will trigger the wooden box in the centre of North wall to open up.
Falling Stairs Game:
Place the labyrinth game into the hole in North wall. Make sure both snakes are facing each other to transform the labyrinth game into the falling stair game. Put the metal ball into the stair game to start playing. Beat the game!! And get the key to escape~!!!!
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Antrim Escape 2 - Team Tactics Walkthrough
UPDATE: See complete walkthrough here:
Antrim Escape 2: Team Tactics Complete Walkthrough
I was too busy with other stuff I can't believe I didn't play my favorite iphone game's sequel the first day it came out. I bought it this morning and am having hell of a good time solving the puzzles. I am on Chapter 3 now. When I finish the game I promise I'll put up a detailed walkthrough asap. A few hints for those who are stuck. These are the puzzles that took me a long time to solve:
- Tic-Tac-Toe Puzzle: When you're in the fountain view, tilt your phone to get the markings behind. Record it. It is the input sequence for the vent cover that has a flower button and a grass button on top of it. To translate those to the sequence, match the markings to the flower pot that has tiny flowers and tiny grass planted inside. I am not sure if it is randomized but there's a dug one in mine. And that's flower because there were 3 flowers and 5 grasses. It makes sense in a tic-tac-toe game that the numbers are 4 to 5.
- Red door puzle: When you are in the conservatory, you can find a magnifying glass on the door. You won't use it until in chapter 2. Put the magnifying glass underneath the door. Have Ryan to pick it up. Ryan can use it to read some small numbers on the right side of the balcony. Press the buttons on the door as Ryan. Switch back and forth between Ryan and Emma to have the buttons on Emma's side to show the number that you read using the magnifying glass.
Other hard-to-find items:
- On the left side of the balcony, on the floor you can find a blue piece of paper as well as a blue soap. On the right side by the tree drawing, you can find a wooden stick.
- To get the axe, pass the wooden stick in above step to Emma through the half-opened zig-zag door. Emma can use it to combine to get axe and use axe to chop the logs into smaller piece to give back to Ryan. Ryan then can put the firewood to fireplace, pour orange liquor on it, the light the fireplace up using matches.
And after the where I'm right now. I'll figure it out asap and share! Feel free to input what you have so far but I'm not gonna read it. Well, not until I beat the game. This game is a lot more rewarding when you beat it yourself.
Good luck to all!
Antrim Escape 2: Team Tactics Complete Walkthrough
I was too busy with other stuff I can't believe I didn't play my favorite iphone game's sequel the first day it came out. I bought it this morning and am having hell of a good time solving the puzzles. I am on Chapter 3 now. When I finish the game I promise I'll put up a detailed walkthrough asap. A few hints for those who are stuck. These are the puzzles that took me a long time to solve:
- Tic-Tac-Toe Puzzle: When you're in the fountain view, tilt your phone to get the markings behind. Record it. It is the input sequence for the vent cover that has a flower button and a grass button on top of it. To translate those to the sequence, match the markings to the flower pot that has tiny flowers and tiny grass planted inside. I am not sure if it is randomized but there's a dug one in mine. And that's flower because there were 3 flowers and 5 grasses. It makes sense in a tic-tac-toe game that the numbers are 4 to 5.
- Red door puzle: When you are in the conservatory, you can find a magnifying glass on the door. You won't use it until in chapter 2. Put the magnifying glass underneath the door. Have Ryan to pick it up. Ryan can use it to read some small numbers on the right side of the balcony. Press the buttons on the door as Ryan. Switch back and forth between Ryan and Emma to have the buttons on Emma's side to show the number that you read using the magnifying glass.
Other hard-to-find items:
- On the left side of the balcony, on the floor you can find a blue piece of paper as well as a blue soap. On the right side by the tree drawing, you can find a wooden stick.
- To get the axe, pass the wooden stick in above step to Emma through the half-opened zig-zag door. Emma can use it to combine to get axe and use axe to chop the logs into smaller piece to give back to Ryan. Ryan then can put the firewood to fireplace, pour orange liquor on it, the light the fireplace up using matches.
And after the where I'm right now. I'll figure it out asap and share! Feel free to input what you have so far but I'm not gonna read it. Well, not until I beat the game. This game is a lot more rewarding when you beat it yourself.
Good luck to all!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Antrim Escape Walkthrough: Alternate Exit
It is very cool of Game Hive to release an update of Antrim Escape.
Why? The version 2.0 update added an alternate exit!!
I really enjoyed playing through this room escape game with such sophisticated graphics. Now I get to relive it with an alternate exit! And this time around, the puzzles are much harder. Game Hive really needs to pay back the sleep hours they took away from me.
Important: you need to RESET the game before starting.
Read my original walkthrough if you haven't solved the first exit.
Here's the walkthrough for the alternate exiting. Again, from my last post, these are the walls:
Why? The version 2.0 update added an alternate exit!!
I really enjoyed playing through this room escape game with such sophisticated graphics. Now I get to relive it with an alternate exit! And this time around, the puzzles are much harder. Game Hive really needs to pay back the sleep hours they took away from me.
Important: you need to RESET the game before starting.
Read my original walkthrough if you haven't solved the first exit.
Here's the walkthrough for the alternate exiting. Again, from my last post, these are the walls:
North - Wall with clock and large desk.
West - Wall with glass door to the balcony
South - Wall with bookshelves
East - Wall with a small table and a wooden door
Props to Game Hive for this free update :)
- Tap on the cat and its eyes will move left and right ...and up!!
Keep tapping its eyes until it moves up and this completes the sequence of Lefts and Rights. Take a note of it.
- Now in the NORTH wall with the grandfather clock, tap on the pendulum!! Voila~ this brings up another view with the pendulum actually swinging left and right as you tilt the iPhone left and right. You can swing it LIGHTLY or HEAVILY (you will hear a different sound).
- Use the cat eyes sequence from step 1 and swing it HEAVILY to enter each Lefts and Rights in the sequence.
Here's the tricky part: you have to do it in the opposites.
ie. cat eye Left becomes a RIGHT swing of pendulum. and vice versa.
I believe the reason is because the cat saw the castle owner did this to the pendulum, but the cat is looking from the opposite wall. Hence, cat's eyes moving to the Left in the player's point of view is actually pendulum's Right point of view looking at North wall.
After entering the pendulum's swing sequence correctly (remember opposite to cat's eyes sequence), you will hear a clock sound. Now, remember the cat looked UP as its final sequence? Go to the clock view with the Bird, and it will give you a key.
- This key unlocks the 'fake door' in the WEST wall. but the door has 2 locks!!!!
- Opens the compass from the right cabinet in NORTH wall (read my original walkthrough for how to open compass) to obtain the other key for the 'fake door'.
- Now, with the fake door opened, you thought you'd have escape?? Not so easy. There is another door!!, Now tap on the top right side of that door to bring you to a close up view.
There will be some english words such as 'Sheesh...'
Use the Candle and put it there to light up the rest of the words in shadow.
- Here's the hard part: Rotate your iPhone to look at the words UPSIDE DOWN. and they become numbers.
Gotta get creative here: 'I' is 1, 'Z' is 2, 'E' is 3, 'h' is 4, 'S' is 5
The message is different each time you start up a new game (just like the cat eyes sequence). Take note of this code and the patterns on this metal door! You can't always come back for the numbers. Some puzzles trigger the candle to burn off. Gotta do it before that happens.
- Now if you head up to the Music Box in the SOUTH wall, you will see the music box having the same pattern as the metal door. This is the hint to playing the tunes on the music box.
On the music box:
leftmost bar is 1, then 2, then 3, then 4 and rightmost is 5.
Play the tune (the sequence of numbers upside down you found earlier) and tap music box.
Then you will hear a sliding door sound.
- For the middle lower drawer in the SOUTH wall, you have to keep on tapping it a few times to get it open. You will see a metal plate with sockets if you have played the new tunes to the music box. It is similar to the wooden box behind the painting on the wall. You will need to insert the coins and yellow/white gems into it. Please see to my last post if you need help with finding the coins and gems as well as the pattern to insert the coins.
- Congrats. Escape through the tunnel and meet a secret character!
Props to Game Hive for this free update :)
Friday, January 29, 2010
Antrim Escape Walkthrough
UPDATE: Game Hive released Antrim Escape v2.0 that contains an alternate exit. Read the original walkthrough before you go onto the alternate exit walkthrough.
Finally solved Antrim Escape. I have to say this is one of the best iPhone games I have played so far. And one of the best room escape game. The graphics just kick ass. And some puzzles are very well thought out and make good use of iPhone's hardware features.
I thought I would write a walkthrough for those of you that are stuck. But the amount of satisfaction from trying and trying and then being able to solve it is just undescribable.
I labeled the four walls according to the direction of the compass.
Each wall begins with items that you can pickup right away without solving any puzzle. They are marked "item" under each wall. The other objects are puzzles.
IMPORTANT: many of the codes and numbers you get in the game is different each time! So the combination to the scrollbox is different for each person and different each time you RESET the game (in the welcome screen).
North Wall

1. Balcony Key (item)
2. Candle (item)
3. Pendant (item)
4. Plant
5. Clock
6. Left Drawer
7. Middler Drawer
8. Right Drawer
9. Map
East Wall

1. Silver Faucet Handle (item)
2. Fake Door
3. Painting
South Wall
1. Hammer Handle (item)
2. Cloth (item)
3. Coin inside the car (item)
4. Left Cabinet
5. Middle Cabinet
6. Right Cabinet
7. Drawer Handle
8. Crystal Ball
9. Music Box
West Wall
1. Balcony Door
2. Mirror
1. Music Box Missing Piece (item)
2. Sink
1. Tilt the iPhone upside down and you will see the chandelier on the top. Pretty sweet use of the iPhone’s feature!! Pickup the Yellow Gem.
2. While in the chandelier view, shake the iPhone to make the Red Key drop.
3. Use the Red Key to open the Right Cabinet on the SOUTH WALL and grab the rope inside.
4. Pickup the Balcony Key on the NORTH WALL and open the Balcony Doors on the WEST WALL with it. Also pickup the Candle and Pendant.
5. Pickup the Hammer Handle, Cloth, Coin inside the car and the Drawer Handle on the SOUTH WALL.
6. Pickup the Silver Faucet Handle on the EAST WALL and use it on the faucet head outside in the BALCONY.
7. In the sink, there is another Coin after you drain the dirty water.
8. Fill the sink with fresh water and soak the Cloth into the water.
9. Pickup the Music Box Missing Piece in the BALCONY and apply it back to the Music Box in the SOUTH WALL.
10. Play the tune of the Music Box: 1,3,5,5,2,4,4. You will get a Blue Key inside. (Update: in version 2.0, it is 1,3,5,5,4,3,2)
11. In the SOUTH WALL, use the Blue Key to open the Left Cabinet and pickup the Hammer Head inside.
12. Double tap the Hammer Head in the inventory to bring up the detail view. Then highlight the Hammer Handle and apply it to the Hammer Head.
13. Use the soaked Cloth to clean the Crystal Ball, and then BAM, break it with the hammer. Pickup the Coin and take note of the written time on the paper.
14. Use the time written on the paper to solve the Clock puzzle. A bird will mouth a Golden Key.
15. Use the Drawer Handle found in the SOUTH WALL to open the Right Drawer on the South Wall.
16. Inside is a compass, the code to open it is N.E.W.S. The Red marker is North. Turn to North, hit the button, then East and hit button, then West, and finally South.
(The N.E.W.S. message comes from the foggy Mirror on the WEST WALL by putting the Candle under the mirror – there’s a candle holder under the mirror)
(The N.E.W.S. message comes from the foggy Mirror on the WEST WALL by putting the Candle under the mirror – there’s a candle holder under the mirror)
17. Once you opened the compass, there is a paper with numbers written on it. Look carefully. They are numbers to open the Scroll Box. Do NOT open the scroll and read in between the top&bottom lines and focus on the empty space between the black lines.
18. In the NORTH WALL, use the Golden Key to open the Left Drawer where the Scroll Box is inside. Use the numbers found in step14 to unlock it to get a Green Key and a Screwdriver inside.
19. Use the Green Key to open the Middle Drawer to get another Coin and a Letter Knife that is used to open the Pendant.
20. Use the Screwdriver to unmount the painting on the EAST WALL (click on the screws with the Screwdriver).
21. On the NORTH WALL, tap the vase of the plant a few times to find the two ‘X’ markings.
22. In the brick walls behind the painting, use two fingers at the SAME time to tap on 2 bricks – same ones marked with the ‘X’ on the plant vase. This reveals the coin box.
23. Up to this point, the Candle should have melted. There is a coin hidden inside.
24. With all 5 coins you found, put them into the coin box according to this:
- the years in each coin correspond to one of the books in the SOUTH WALL on the top middle bookshelf.
- once you match the year to the book, then use the book's color to match the position of the marbles in the SOUTH WALL small table. Make note of the position.
- Do this for all 5 coins and insert them into the coin box to reveal a sword.
- the years in each coin correspond to one of the books in the SOUTH WALL on the top middle bookshelf.
- once you match the year to the book, then use the book's color to match the position of the marbles in the SOUTH WALL small table. Make note of the position.
- Do this for all 5 coins and insert them into the coin box to reveal a sword.
25. Now we need to find the last gem – the white gem. Have the Pendant opened with the Letter Knife and make note of the Date on the lower right corner of the letter inside. This date corresponds to the (x,y) coordinates on the MAP on the SOUTH WALL. In this case, the "x" is the vertical bars on the map and "y" is the horizontal ones. Tap the correct coordinates about 10 to 15 times to get the White Gem. The reason to tap many times on the same spot is to prevent people from RANDOMLY TAPPING on the map. The game requires you to think, not go random. Every puzzle has a clue leading to the next.
26. Insider both gems into the Sword sockets and use the Sword to cut the 2 curtains.
27. Now, in the BALCONY, attach the Rope found in step3 to the handrail. Then attached the 2 curtains. And Voila.
AWESOME Game. Once of the best room escape I have played. Definitely good use of iPhone’s feature.
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